![]() I’ve been wanting to write a blog post for the past few weeks, but until today I've had difficulty articulating what I have been processing and feeling since the beginning of March when COVID19 changed all of our lives. One month ago, I would have never considered that going to work, grabbing coffee with a friend, visiting my family across town, going out to dinner with my husband, or having a picnic at our favorite park would one day not be possible. And yet, here we are on Easter at home unable to carry on the traditional family rituals in the same way that we have always looked forward to. It feels strange and surreal, and yet, I keep finding myself looking for the magic in the midst of the madness because, for me…. that’s how I cope. I have a quote by Roald Dahl that hangs in my living room that I love and reference often. It is actually in the same room that has become my daily office and “Zoom Headquarters" simply because the table in this space overlooks a beautiful view of our neighborhood and it always radiates with warmth and sunlight. Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. Times are uncertain, unsettling, and can easily bring upon feelings of fear, sadness, and stress. But the truth is, hidden in the shadows are secrets that are quite magical if we really pay attention. Families are eating dinner together more often. Families are playing more games and laughing together. Families are connecting. People are picking up old hobbies, and finding new ones. Kids are creating and playing. People are showing kindness in the most wonderful ways. Teachers are finding freedom to explore new ways of teaching. Districts are reimagining what learning could look like. People are abundantly sharing, giving, and loving. People are innovating and inventing. People are collaborating & communicating in imaginative ways. People are appreciating the beauty of Spring by getting outside. People are planting gardens and making more food from scratch. People across the miles are realizing they can now connect in new ways. People are finding beauty in the tranquility. People are finding joy in the little things. People are realizing that we need one another. People are realizing we are better together. People are realizing that we are all in this together. ![]() The magical moments we create today will be the memories that we hold onto tomorrow and for years to come. I am grateful for our school district's superintendent, Dr. Bret Champion, who has chosen to lead us through this time with the mantra, "Simplicity & Grace, and ...Don’t Panic". There is a lot of power in that phrase. Let’s simplify, give grace to everyone, including ourselves, and remember not to panic; because this pandemic is not forever. We will get through this, we will be stronger because of it, and maybe, just maybe, the magic that we discover in the unlikely places of COVID19, will make this world a better and more joyful place when everything returns to normal once again.
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Tisha RichmondCulinary Arts teacher, educational consultant, international speaker, and author of Make Learning Magical, Dragon Smart, and co-author of the EduProtocols Companion Guide for Book 1. I'm passionate about finding innovative ways to transform teaching and create unforgettable experiences in the classroom. |