![]() Okay, so I’m a cryer. To all that know me, you can verify this as truth. I will agree that I am a highly sensitive, emotional soul, that wears my heart on my sleeve. Though there have been many times in my life (even recently) that I have wished I could trade those traits in for another two that were a little easier to live with, it is part of what makes me who I am. I own it. I have come to appreciate the rare qualities these traits possess and I have come to find, contrary to popular belief, there is a powerful strength that comes with them as well. Many people associate sensitivity and emotions with fragility and weakness, but I have found the opposite to be true. The sensitive person has a fierce inner strength that allows them to weather life’s storms with incredible tenacity for a variety of reasons. Being sensitive is hard. We feel deeply. We love deeply. We fall hard. When you feel this level of emotion throughout your life, you develop a special resolve. Each life experience is woven into an intricate web of strength that can’t easily be broken. While some people are fearful of exhibiting emotion in public, the sensitive person embraces it. We’ve had a lifetime of experience crying, so why hide it. We acknowledge and comprehend our emotion giving us the courage to let the tears flow in front of others. This ability to express emotion allows us to not only stand strong, but thrive in the face of adversity. When you understand your emotions and what drives them, you develop a strong sense of self and confidence that allows you to lead and inspire others. This self awareness allows us to be honest with ourselves and others as well as learn and develop our unique skills throughout life’s experiences. The sensitive person is good at putting ourselves in others’ shoes. We listen for understanding and without judgement. We are authentic and open-minded valuing differing perspectives. Because we have a highly developed intuition we are able to better understand what is happening in any given situation. In an emotional moment our view may be cloudy, but after the clouds move away our view becomes crystal clear and we are able to handle the issues at hand. Additionally, the sensitive person understands the strengths and weaknesses we possess and are less critical of others. This is a powerful leadership trait gives the sensitive person special abilities to collaborate and communicate with others effectively. People who cry easily, often laugh easily too. Though negative emotions are felt easily, so are the positive ones. The sensitive person tends to be spreaders of positivity and encouragement because those feelings are much more enjoyable to experience than those of negativity and discouragement. We don’t take ourselves too seriously. We are able to laugh at our mistakes which allows us to keep things in perspective. We love spreading joy, not sadness. Don’t underestimate the strength of the sensitive soul.
We are sensitive, but we are strong. We are fierce, passionate, and purposeful. We are fighters. We are overcomers. We love with all of our being.
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Tisha RichmondCulinary Arts teacher, educational consultant, international speaker, and author of Make Learning Magical, Dragon Smart, and co-author of the EduProtocols Companion Guide for Book 1. I'm passionate about finding innovative ways to transform teaching and create unforgettable experiences in the classroom. |