It's #GratitudeSnaps time! Each November of gratitude has found us in a different chapter of our story and yet, it always seems to come at the perfect time. When people begin to flood the Twittersphere with an outpouring of gratitude and love, you can't help but feel the joy. I am almost giddy with excitement to announce that #GratitudeSnaps 2021 is launching Monday, November 1st!
Listen to Tara Martin and I share the #GratitudeSnaps origin story on the Make Learning Magical Podcast and read our original blog post! Then, join us! It will bring joy to your heart, I guarantee it!!
Co-Written with, Tara Martin @TaraMartinEDU
What? The #GratitudeSnaps Challenge is as easy as 1-2-3. Focus each day on one thing for which you are grateful. It could be a thing, a person, a feeling; it’s personal to you. Who? Educators, students, community members...anyone who would like to participate is more than welcome. The more positivity we can flood the world with, the better. How? Create a GratitudeSnap by connecting it to something positive in your life. Add pics, text, anything you choose. Take a picture with your phone and share why this image makes you grateful. You can use any picture app to create your #GratitudeSnaps. (We will be using SnapChat.) Click here for a quick 3-minute video to show you the basics of Snapchat. (Just create#GratitudeSnaps instead of #BookSnaps.) Click this link for many apps used to make #BookSnaps, which can easily convert to #GratitudeSnaps. Where? Post it to Twitter including #GratitudeSnaps & tag us @TaraMartin EDU and @tishrich. When? Let’s begin our 22-days of #GratitudeSnaps on Nov 1st, 2021. It will last until Thanksgiving, November, 25th. You're welcome to keep it going; there is certainly no "time frame" on being grateful. The world has plenty of negativity, let’s spread a grateful attitude! We have so much of which to be thankful. Journal of Snaps If you’d like to follow Tisha’s 30-day #GratitudeSnaps Challenge, click the Padlet below.
When I read the agenda for a meeting I recently attended and saw “Happy Salmon” as the opening activity, I was instantly intrigued. I was almost certain I had seen a card game with this name on one of the many game store shelves I'd perused in the past and was hopeful there would be some type of correlation. Sure enough, the facilitator began handing out the Happy Salmon game cards and I sat in anticipation and excitement as she introduced a super fun opening activity. As usual, my head started to spin as I experienced another game that could be reframed for learning not only for staff, but for students as well.
Find the Happy Salmon whole group version as it was presented by our amazing Director of Curriculum and Assessment, Lisa Yamashita, as well as other variations that were sparked from her idea. I also created resources and a variety of prompts to go along with the activity. Thank you, Lisa, for your creativity and inspiration!✨
What games do you have in your game cupboard that could be used for a card game reframe? Share them on #MLmagical on Twitter or Instagram! I'd love to share or highlight in a future blog post!
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Tisha RichmondCulinary Arts teacher, educational consultant, international speaker, and author of Make Learning Magical, Dragon Smart, and co-author of the EduProtocols Companion Guide for Book 1. I'm passionate about finding innovative ways to transform teaching and create unforgettable experiences in the classroom. |